Fruit Flies in Coffee Maker

If your coffee machine has fruit flies around it, chances are that pleasant experience is marred by a swarm of tiny, gross fruit flies hovering in your face. It’s an all-too-common problem, but don’t fret! We’re here to help you reclaim your coffee haven and banish those pesky fruit flies for good.

Why Are Fruit Flies Attracted to Coffee Makers?

Fruit flies, those tiny, winged nuisances, are drawn to a few key elements often found in and around coffee makers:

  • Moisture: The damp environment inside a coffee maker, especially after brewing, is a prime breeding ground for fruit flies.
  • Coffee Grounds Residue: Leftover coffee grounds can provide food for these pests.
  • Sweetness: Any lingering sweetness from flavored coffee or sweeteners can also attract fruit flies.

Understanding what lures them is the first step to effectively eliminating and preventing infestations.

Solutions to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Your Coffee Maker

Ready to evict those unwanted guests? Here’s how:

Deep Cleaning:

A thorough cleaning removes any attractants and eliminates existing eggs or larvae.

  1. Vinegar-Water Solution Cycle: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water. Fill the reservoir with the solution and run a brew cycle.
  2. Water Rinse Cycle: Run a second cycle with just water to rinse away any vinegar residue.
  3. Disassemble and Clean: If possible, disassemble the coffee maker’s removable parts, such as the carafe, filter basket, and water reservoir lid. Wash these parts thoroughly with hot, soapy water.
  4. Wipe: Use a damp microfiber cloth to clean the outside of the coffee maker, including the warming plate and surrounding countertop areas.

Products to help you: coffee machine cleaning tablets or powders, vinegar, a long-handled bottle brush, and microfiber cloths.


Traps are a great way to capture adult fruit flies, preventing them from reproducing and further infesting your kitchen.

  1. DIY Trap: Fill a small jar or bowl with apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap. Cover with Seran wrap and poke a few small holes in the top. The flies will naturally be attracted to the vinegar and trapped in the soapy solution.  
  2. Store-Bought Traps: Alternatively, you can purchase ready-made fruit fly traps from your local hardware or grocery store.

Products to help you: Apple cider vinegar, dish soap, store-bought fruit fly traps.

Prevention is Key

Once you’ve killed or removed the fruit flies, prevent them from returning.

  • Cleaning: Clean the maker regularly, especially after brewing flavored coffees or using sweeteners.
  • Storage: Store coffee in an airtight container to minimize their appeal to fruit flies.
  • Kitchen Hygiene: Keep the kitchen clean by wiping up spills promptly, taking out the trash regularly, and storing ripe fruits in the refrigerator.

Products to help you: Airtight coffee canister.