In this post, we’ll explain what goes into flat whites, macchiatos, lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas. Not just that, but we’ll dig into what’s a latte, what’s a macchiato, their differences and what makes them delicious!
Macchiato vs Latte
Macchiato vs lattes, what’s the diff? Turns out it comes down to the type and use of milk. For instance a macchiato uses foamed milk. But a latte has the addition of steamed milk.
What is a Latte?
Lattes are typically a shot (or many if you’re a fiend!) of espresso with steamed milk and topped with foamed milk on top. The type of milk used can vary from cow milk to soy milk or almond milk.
How Much Caffeine Is In a Macchiato?
Caffeine content depends largely on the type of bean used, the roast, the amount of coffee brewed, along with how it is prepared. You can assume that a typical cup of espresso will contain roughly 75mg of caffeine.
How About Cappuccino vs Latte?
A cappuccino is known for its equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk froth on top. A latte is not known for having equal parts, and typically has more milk than espresso included.
What is a Cappuccino?
A cappuccino is equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. Sometimes served in a taller glass or large mug to account for the size. Also, with a little cinnamon…. YUM!
What is a Macchiato?
Macchiatos are espresso with a small dollop of foamed milk on top. The visual difference is pretty stark.
What is a Latte Macchiato?
A latte macchiato is prepared slightly differently from a regular macchiato. First there is a layer of steamed milk added to the cup. Then espresso is brewed and poured into the cup. Finally the latte macchiato is topped with milk foam. Typically made with equal parts.
What is a Flat White?
A flat white coffee is prepared with espresso at the bottom with steamed and textured milk added on top. There is generally more milk than espresso, which gives a flat white its distinctive look.
Flat White vs Latte
The difference is a latte has the addition of milk foam on top.
What is a Mocha?
A mocha is essentially a flat white but with hot chocolate poured in the middle. It’s more of a winter / cold weather drink because it contains hot chocolate.
First a barista will start with an espresso layer in the cup. Then there’s a small amount of hot chocolate added. Finally the mocha is topped off with steamed milk.
What is a Cortado?
A cortado is a beverage that is made up of espresso mixed with equal parts of warm steamed milk. While this might be confused with a flat white or a latte, a latte has foamed milk on top and a flat white uses steamed and textured microfoam milk.
Coffee Essentials
Espresso Cups
Espresso cups are essential to getting your coffee game off the ground. These espresso cups are excellent because they are the perfect 3oz size needed.

Espresso Coffee
I’m a big fan of these Peet’s Coffee Espresso Forte whole bean coffee. Why? Because unlike other retailers / coffee roasters — Peet’s coffee is hand roasted to order. Meaning when you place an order with Peet’s, they’ll roast your beans the same day it gets shipped. I don’t think there’s any other company out there that pledges to roast your coffee the same day it goes out the door.
The result is the freshest quality coffee possible short of roasting the beans yourself. Which is unbeatable.
In addition, Peet’s offers drip, press pot, percolator, and espresso friendly grinds.