Coffee To Milk Ratio Chart

Coffee Drink Coffee (Espresso or Regular) Milk Ratio Foam Water Other Components
Espresso 1 shot (30ml) None None None None
Ristretto 1 short shot (15-20ml) None None None None
Lungo 1 long shot (60ml) None None None None
Americano 1 shot (30ml) None None Hot, to taste None
Cappuccino 1 shot (30ml) Equal part Equal part None None
Latte 1 shot (30ml) 3 parts Thin layer None None
Flat White 1-2 shots (30-60ml) 2 parts None None None
Macchiato 1 shot (30ml) A dollop None None None
Mocha 1 shot (30ml) 2 parts Optional None Chocolate syrup
Cortado 1 shot (30ml) Equal part None None None
Affogato 1 shot (30ml) None None None Vanilla ice cream
Red Eye Regular coffee None None None 1 shot of espresso
Black Eye Regular coffee None None None 2 shots of espresso
Doppio 2 shots (60ml) None None None None
Irish Coffee Regular coffee None Cream top None Irish whiskey, sugar
Espresso con Panna 1 shot (30ml) None None None Whipped cream
Espresso Romano 1 shot (30ml) None None None Lemon slice
Piccolo Latte 1 ristretto shot (15-20ml) 1 part None None None
Regular Coffee Brewed coffee (240ml) To preference None None Optional sweeteners